Qalert Link:
This is an open discussion on anything relating to the Deltas for today.
Previous digs, coincidences, news, etc - All information is welcomed.
Keep in mind that newer anons might not be aware of the drops on this day, so let's enlighten them and get them up to speed. Newer Anons - Please feel free to ask questions!
I know there is an associated link with this one, but as we know, drops can have multiple meanings.
The first thing that popped into my head was the J6 primetime political theater production. They literally edited out the part of President Trump's speech at the end where he asks people to be patriotic and peaceful.
Add that to the GEOTUS tweet where he again asks for peaceful behavior, which was immediately taken down by Twitter, and we have ourselves a big ole [D] con right there!
The amazingly stupid thing is, this is so easy to expose. WTH is wrong with the dems to make them behave in such unintelligent ways?
My thought - they are panicking. Panicked individuals/groups tend to make stupid mistakes.