You can find the movie here, although you have to give your name and email address, unfortunately. I'm not sure if it's on Rumble or Bitchute, but I'm sure it will be soon. It's about 30 min long.
Here are the highlights, although the movie is -- in my humble opinion -- bombshell testimony and should be watched first-hand:
-A neonatal tetanus vaccine campaign was led by the WHO and targeted East African women of child-bearing age (14-46) in October 2013.
-19 years earlier, a similar vaccination campaign was stopped due to one doctor (Dr. Stephen Karanja) who advocated for testing the vaccines for the presence of anti-bHCG (an auto-immune response against bHCG which tells a woman's body to produce progesterone; in other words, the tests would show evidence of being an infertility vaccine). WHO backed off on this... until October 2013.
-This time (2013/2014), when the vials were tested by a company called "AgriQ Quest", the vials from the neonatal tetanus vaccines came back positive for anti-bHCG.
-HOWEVER, the government vials of the same lot number came back negative.
-Politicians and doctors spoke out publicly to cover this up, and Dr. Stephen Karanja was given a gag order.
-It was only recently discovered by AgriQ Quest that the vials from the WHO campaign which tested positive (infertility) had a second label underneath the first, showing a completely different manufacturing company.
-The government-labeled vaccines which tested negative were manufactured elsewhere from the vaccines given in the WHO neonatal tetanus vaccine campaign.
-Dr. Stephen Karanja has since died, reported as a Covid-19 death.
Similar events have and are occurring with the C19 jabs! The world depopulation agenda has and continues to proceed as planned by the WHO (and others).
I haven't watched it, but this sounds like the film you're talking about:
That's the same one! It just premiered today, I think.
So sad. Obviously experimenting on mostly poor black people. Who would want more of those kind. /s
It's so disgusting. Such a cavalier attitude. When they die it'll be just like they never existed. We can just wipe them all away from our memory.
The movie didn't mention Dr. Bill Gates but he sure is involved these days. Fauci, too
Bill Gates is tucked into the end credits, which helps tie into the bigger picture of the global elite and their vaccination plan for us non-elites. But it's very short -- would like to see a deeper dive from this POV!