They sell stink bombs in little glass vials that are terrible. One is strong enough to clear out a whole wing of a high school. Even with all the windows and doors open It made people physically sick. I thought it would only be bad in one classroom and kind of fade away rather quickly but nope.
It is very specific, I was young and dumb at one point but I didn't intend for people to get sick. The more I think about it the more I realize it's the perfect way to shut down these sick public events.
They sell stink bombs in little glass vials that are terrible. One is strong enough to clear out a whole wing of a high school. Even with all the windows and doors open It made people physically sick. I thought it would only be bad in one classroom and kind of fade away rather quickly but nope.
That's awfully specific.
It is very specific, I was young and dumb at one point but I didn't intend for people to get sick. The more I think about it the more I realize it's the perfect way to shut down these sick public events.