Canadians who want to believe that Canadian society is relatively unaffected by conspiracy thinking will find little comfort in these results. Millions believe that our lives are controlled by secret plots to undermine our interests. That such beliefs correlate strongly with the instinct to mistrust what media report and what governments say –is a challenge that threatens all institutions that depend on an informed body politic and is like a poison affecting our civil discourse.
People waking up to the truth of reality are not a "poison to civil discourse", as this socialist thought-control specialist (a/k/a propagandist) would have us believe.
They're a poison to the deepstate cabal to whose existence the people are awakening.
This part:
People waking up to the truth of reality are not a "poison to civil discourse", as this socialist thought-control specialist (a/k/a propagandist) would have us believe.
They're a poison to the deepstate cabal to whose existence the people are awakening.
Yep. Literally says we are a threat to ALL of their institutions. Like pedophilia.