I’ve started myself on a Z pack antibiotic, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine (stuff I’ve bought over the past year for when the SHTF). I’m also taking zinc with quercetin and vitamin C. My head is pounding and I’ve got a fever since Wednesday that I can get under 100 with the help of round the clock ibuprofen and Tylenol. Without that it shoots up to over 102. My joints ache. Tons of fatigue. The scary part is I just started with some shortness of breath. I’m a 56 yo female. I found four ticks on me last week after walking a property with a client (I’m a realtor). I thought I’d start feeling better by now. Any other suggestions on what I should be doing? I’ve been to doctors lately with my daughter and they all seem still so stupid about covid, pushing vax and masks. I had covid back in December so I can see them thinking this is what I have. I will refuse a test but last time I did that when I took my daughter in for a mono test they would not proceed until they tested her. We left without a test. I’m not vaxed. Thank you everyone. Prayers appreciated.
Is there a doctor in the house? I think I have Lymes disease but I’m afraid to see a doctor.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
If I thought I had been infected with Lyme I would keep taking everything you mentioned for at least a month and I'd add all of the b vitamins.
Spirochetes can create biofilms that they are able to hide behind. So there we all are taking antibiotics while there are more spirochetes BEHIND the biofilm that reemerge when the coast is clear, so to speak. And blammo - you're reinfected.
Can you add bromelain? It helps dissolve biofilms. By the way, borrelia is a bacteria so the antibiotic is more effective than hcq or ivermectin, but quite often there are other diseases in these ticks so I would at the very least continue on with both for a while and perhaps end with just ivermectin after a month or so.
On the offchance this continues: For long term damage (they get into cerebrospinal fluid and can cross the blood brain barrier) from spirochetes one would take resveratrol to combat the beta amyloid plaques; curcumin to eliminate tau proteins; EDTA to get rid of the accumulated metals that always accompany this disease, and glutathione in the morning (because chelation depletes glutathione).
Just for good measure I'd add high dose melatonin because it's a scavenger and is so dang multi-functional. We found 60mg melatonin on Amazon and also bought it in powder form from purebulk.
There is one other thing to address with long term effects but it's been so long since I researched this that I cannot remember what it is!??! You can probably find it though - something to address neuro-fibrillary tangles.
Damn you got some good knowledge...o7!