I’ve started myself on a Z pack antibiotic, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine (stuff I’ve bought over the past year for when the SHTF). I’m also taking zinc with quercetin and vitamin C. My head is pounding and I’ve got a fever since Wednesday that I can get under 100 with the help of round the clock ibuprofen and Tylenol. Without that it shoots up to over 102. My joints ache. Tons of fatigue. The scary part is I just started with some shortness of breath. I’m a 56 yo female. I found four ticks on me last week after walking a property with a client (I’m a realtor). I thought I’d start feeling better by now. Any other suggestions on what I should be doing? I’ve been to doctors lately with my daughter and they all seem still so stupid about covid, pushing vax and masks. I had covid back in December so I can see them thinking this is what I have. I will refuse a test but last time I did that when I took my daughter in for a mono test they would not proceed until they tested her. We left without a test. I’m not vaxed. Thank you everyone. Prayers appreciated.
Is there a doctor in the house? I think I have Lymes disease but I’m afraid to see a doctor.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Lyme disease can be treated with plant medicine. I’m not an expert on this and don’t want to give you bad information. Research Lyme disease treatment with herbal medicine or plant medicine. I’ve read about it over the years while doing research for my own health conditions. I use these keywords when searching. (herbal medicine treatment of Lyme disease) Replace the disease or syndrome as needed for your search. Use brave browser. Also search essential oils for treatment. They are very helpful treating health conditions, Google is blocking many herbal sites. Google is mainly bringing up hospitals, government or university sites. That can still be good information. Scientific studies using plant medicine can be beneficial if it’s written so you can understand it. If it’s too scientific it’s Greek to me. I search a lot on Etsy for homemade plant medicine by trained herbalist. I remember seeing Japanese Knotweed for Lyme. I can’t tell you anything about this plant & if it works. I’m thinking any anti virus and nervine plants might help with the symptoms. (Plants that are helpful in keeping nerve and muscle pain under control.) Please get tested! You don’t have to take their treatment. This way you know exactly what you need to treat. I know someone that got Lyme last summer and then she got Covid and died. I believe if the Lyme would have been treated properly if might have been a different situation. Long story and it’s not my story to tell. If you need links to reputable stores to buy herbal tinctures, essential oils I can probably help. I’ve been ordering plant medicine for years.