We're a few hundred years late on this, but it's time we start circulating this idea through the masses. Anyone who breaks their oath is a traitor. No ifs ands or buts, no exceptions. All oath violations ARE treason. At a minimum, everyone who passes unconstitutional legislation must be removed from office and banned from ever serving in ANY government capacity ever again if not swinging from a tree. We have allowed too much compromise as is in the name of, or rather delusion of "civility". If you really want to help the plan and redpill people, call it what ot is: treason. And actually stick to it. Don't let any boot licking pussy faggots try to downplay your stance and if they label you as "crazy" laugh in their faces and double down.
No. I am not calling for J6 2.0. J6 1 was fucking stupid. No. Our fight begins when they try to enforce these unconstitutional edicts. When they try to red flag you, stand your ground with all the fire and fury at your disposal. There is nothing "legal" about any of this. Their power comes at the consent of the governed and at this time I do not consent and neither should any of you.
As for accountability, legal and peaceful. Start censuring your reps and then begin the process to recall all of them. But most importantly, do. Not. Comply.
We don't know. But even if they are antifaggot they still don't deserve inhumane treatment.