Interesting comment from a reformed liberal who has witnessed the results of uncontrolled immigration in Sweden 🇸🇪
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If you are a Christian and not a Jew, you understand that the New Testament in Christ's Gospel replaces the Old Testament in the Law. Yes, God did not tolerate the heathen religions, but only insofar as they amounted to an obstacle for His people to fulfill their mission. Jesus did not call for His believers to slay heathens or gentiles but to preach the Gospel among them.
The Old Testament is history and instruction to a Christian, not the Testament by which we are saved.
Christ warned us against false prophets and false pastors. It requires discernment and the work of the Holy Spirit to sort this out, and to turn away from the false ones. (In this regard, the work of Martin Luther was a great service to Christendom.)
You have a choice. Stand as a member of the Church of Christ, or wave in the wind as a subject of "religion." There are all kinds of "religion." There is only one Church of Christ. BECAUSE I believe in God, I also believe in Christ, and I therefore believe in the Holy Spirit, which prevails over His Church. No other religion has that, which is enough for me to say that "religion" is a paltry and useless concept. Either you are a member of the Church of Christ (Christendom), or you are wasting your life and soul on a falsehood. It does no good to try and include the Church of Christ as merely another "religion."
Do I seem hard core? I was an atheist for 40 years, of wandering in a spiritual wilderness, and came to my senses. It would be no favor to you to soft-pedal what I learned.
Thank you for your time. You don’t seem hardcore. You just are sound in your beliefs which I admire. It’s just that when I ask what makes muslim religion so bad you mention religious intolerance which from what you say about the church of Christ also sounds like religious intolerance.
Unless you mean absent violence. Is that what you mean? That Muslims kill anyone that’s not Muslim? Serious question as I am not familiar with the politics of Muslim world. I have no first hand knowledge of the people or their customs in Muslim countries. The few that I know from work or school seemed like nice people.
I am not Jewish. I just read the Bible on my own and let the spirit guide me. I will go to church and listen from different pastors from time to time but I’m not involved in church as an organization bc the few times I have it’s always devolved into human messiness. So I don’t know all the particulars between each denomination (if you can call Jews that).
The Muslims would implement Sharia Law, which would make Islam either obligatory or reduce non-Muslims to serfhood. In times past, Mohammed practiced conversion by the sword (convert or die). The Church of Christ does no such thing (or should not); it preaches the Gospel to one and all, particularly to heathens and pagans.
The Muslims are known today for their willingness to shed blood to settle matters of religious controversy (Shia vs. Sunni). There are nice people everywhere. Most Germans who voted for Hitler and joined the Nazi Party were nice people. Nice people are not the problem. They stand aside to let the nasty people have their way.
If you are not Jewish, understand that the Old Testament is no longer in effect. There is a difference between Law (condemnation) and Gospel (salvation). If you are a Christian you clearly know that Christ has redeemed you as a member of His church. By avoiding fellowship with other Christians you are turning your back on Christ. Remember what happened when Christ was "on the road," preaching to who would listen? If he came to a place that refused him, he would shake off the dust from his sandals and leave. You turn your back on Christ and he can reciprocate, as you wish it. Don't fool yourself that "reading the Bible" is following his injunction. That's just a make-believe.
Discord in the church is regrettable and, sadly, impossible to prevent among sinful human beings. (I have had some bitter experiences myself.) But it only means that one must persist in finding a church that can become a home and family in Christ. When you are seeking Christ, you...don't...give...up.