SIGINT - refers to the metadata they have been collecting from the data brokers which get it in turn from the telcos. It could also refer to any other technical methods of collection of signals within the entire electromagnetic spectrum - radio, microwave, laser (fiber). It could even include the use of Stingrays to eavesdrop on cell conversations, though I don't know if this can be done legally.
GEOINT - Geospatial intelligence which is in many ways, a form of SIGINT. It is differentiated as GEOINT was originally PHOTINT - photographic intelligence. GEOINT focuses specifically on mapping data, often called KML.
OSINT - Photos, videos, interviews, collected from broadcast, interviews, newspapers, magazines, and websites at a minimum. Often OSINT can be used to bridge (or fuse) other forms of intelligence to paint a more realistic and usable analytical product. OSINT is generally considered "in the clear" intelligence. Note that an OSINT derived report can become classified depending on what and how the information is assembled.
These 3 -INTs can be used in conjunction during a process called "fusion" to create a product like you see in 2000 Mules.
any teChfaggs wanna tell us what that tech stuff means
Adding to u/CQVFEFE -
SIGINT - refers to the metadata they have been collecting from the data brokers which get it in turn from the telcos. It could also refer to any other technical methods of collection of signals within the entire electromagnetic spectrum - radio, microwave, laser (fiber). It could even include the use of Stingrays to eavesdrop on cell conversations, though I don't know if this can be done legally.
GEOINT - Geospatial intelligence which is in many ways, a form of SIGINT. It is differentiated as GEOINT was originally PHOTINT - photographic intelligence. GEOINT focuses specifically on mapping data, often called KML.
OSINT - Photos, videos, interviews, collected from broadcast, interviews, newspapers, magazines, and websites at a minimum. Often OSINT can be used to bridge (or fuse) other forms of intelligence to paint a more realistic and usable analytical product. OSINT is generally considered "in the clear" intelligence. Note that an OSINT derived report can become classified depending on what and how the information is assembled.
These 3 -INTs can be used in conjunction during a process called "fusion" to create a product like you see in 2000 Mules.
Hope that helps.
it does .. thank you for breaking it down even more