There are other alternatives besides homeschooling. Church sponsored private schools offer aid and scholarships for parents who can't afford the fees, you can join together and hire your own teacher. Salty Cracker was able to quit his job in public schools with parents who hired him.
Why would anyone want to leave their child in a school they have to sue in hopes of eventually getting the sexual brainwashing stopped??
I understand that but not everyone thinks public schools should be abandoned. They CAN be fixed and forced into operating how parents wish. The kind of narrow-minded thinking that results in "only solution is homeschool or private school" is how we're in these situations.
Nothing like a little civil discussion with someone who's so wide minded. I think you need to consider whether name calling helps anything.
I don't believe the schools can be fixed because the people who did this are so entrenched. In the meantime, horribly, children are still in classrooms where terrible things are being done. You think that's okay. I don't.
We got into this situation by not paying attention to what was going on in these schools.
There are other alternatives besides homeschooling. Church sponsored private schools offer aid and scholarships for parents who can't afford the fees, you can join together and hire your own teacher. Salty Cracker was able to quit his job in public schools with parents who hired him.
Why would anyone want to leave their child in a school they have to sue in hopes of eventually getting the sexual brainwashing stopped??
I understand that but not everyone thinks public schools should be abandoned. They CAN be fixed and forced into operating how parents wish. The kind of narrow-minded thinking that results in "only solution is homeschool or private school" is how we're in these situations.
Nothing like a little civil discussion with someone who's so wide minded. I think you need to consider whether name calling helps anything.
I don't believe the schools can be fixed because the people who did this are so entrenched. In the meantime, horribly, children are still in classrooms where terrible things are being done. You think that's okay. I don't.
We got into this situation by not paying attention to what was going on in these schools.