It is not actually nitrogen. They use that word for the reason you mentioned, but in reality it is about nitrogenoxides.
What they should do is normalize that amount by tonnes of production. You would easily find that the Dutch farmers are the most efficient and clean (per tonne) farmers in the world.
I thought farming was all about reducing bio-diversity? If you want to grow wheat you try and maximise the amount of wheat and reduce the amount of weeds. A farmer who tried to increase the number and variety of weeds grown would reduce the wheat crop.
It is not actually nitrogen. They use that word for the reason you mentioned, but in reality it is about nitrogenoxides.
What they should do is normalize that amount by tonnes of production. You would easily find that the Dutch farmers are the most efficient and clean (per tonne) farmers in the world.
Nitrogen sounds a lot scarier for normies in Dutch because the word translates to "choking substance".
The government just wants that land to build houses and asylum centers for the millions of migrants they plan to import.
I thought farming was all about reducing bio-diversity? If you want to grow wheat you try and maximise the amount of wheat and reduce the amount of weeds. A farmer who tried to increase the number and variety of weeds grown would reduce the wheat crop.
They're saying the nitrogen is leaking out and causing less plant biodiversity in the area around the farms, which is supposedly a big problem.