Our government lost the consent of the governed several years ago. I think once the entire population comes to realize that... that it's obvious that emperor has no clothes and that We The People have been paying our tax dollars for corruption and money laundering, the jig will be up. It would take millions and millions of us to effect any real change.
As long as our elections are a Third World joke, we'll continue down the road to ruin. But I think all that is about to change.
I suspect it will happen in a blinding instant. One moment all will be calm and people will be miserable in the way of this world, and suddenly someone, somewhere will scream and the mob will turn on its master.
Look up what happened to Nicolai Ceausceau...the dictator had an iron grip on his country on the day of his final speech to the nation...48 hours later he was tied to a post and shot.
It's one of the most satisfying events of the 20th century.
Our government lost the consent of the governed several years ago. I think once the entire population comes to realize that... that it's obvious that emperor has no clothes and that We The People have been paying our tax dollars for corruption and money laundering, the jig will be up. It would take millions and millions of us to effect any real change.
As long as our elections are a Third World joke, we'll continue down the road to ruin. But I think all that is about to change.
I suspect it will happen in a blinding instant. One moment all will be calm and people will be miserable in the way of this world, and suddenly someone, somewhere will scream and the mob will turn on its master.
Look up what happened to Nicolai Ceausceau...the dictator had an iron grip on his country on the day of his final speech to the nation...48 hours later he was tied to a post and shot.
It's one of the most satisfying events of the 20th century.