No, it's not fine, it was never fine, it's clear that MS was started with a single purpose in mind, and they're very close to it.
Little by little they keep limiting the control you have, until the point you'll have no control at all, want to get the latest software? you need the latest windows version, want to get the latest windows version? you need the latest hardware, oh and btw, said latest hardware has "secure" boot enabled, which can't be turned off.
Want to run linux? you can't, not anymore, it's not signed and trusted by Microsoft you see, want to use the ad free, non tracking open source browser? ahhh too bad, it's not signed either.
What's that? made a post somewhere that goes against the allowed group think? your microsoft account is suspended, you can't use your PC anymore.
After all you've seen in the last 2 or 3 years, do you doubt any of this? do you really need convincing that microsoft is part of the whole shit?
Unless they start losing market, that won't be stopped.
You can't expect your normie employees to use Linux for day to day clerical use
Why not? it's as easy to use if not more easy than windows for that stuff specially, what do they use? internet browsers? word, excel? there's literally no proprietary software of daily use without a open source counterpart
are they all as full featured? maybe not, but for " day to day clerical use" they're more than good enough
Hell I'm a power user and you'd have to pay me good money to use linux in any average use case. I might use puppy linux or mint to diagnose a broken system or recover files if I can't do it via recovery but daily use? No way.
You haven't even tried, linux is fantastic, you literally have control over everything, only you'll need to use the terminal for most advanced configurations (varies depending on distro)
No stupid registry to deal with, every single configuration is a text file, easily readable, system is highly customizable, it's a breeze to set up hot keys that work system wide for anything, hardware support is great
Are there quirks? yeah, but they're very worth to deal with to get rid of that MS garbage.
No, it's not fine, it was never fine, it's clear that MS was started with a single purpose in mind, and they're very close to it.
Little by little they keep limiting the control you have, until the point you'll have no control at all, want to get the latest software? you need the latest windows version, want to get the latest windows version? you need the latest hardware, oh and btw, said latest hardware has "secure" boot enabled, which can't be turned off.
Want to run linux? you can't, not anymore, it's not signed and trusted by Microsoft you see, want to use the ad free, non tracking open source browser? ahhh too bad, it's not signed either.
What's that? made a post somewhere that goes against the allowed group think? your microsoft account is suspended, you can't use your PC anymore.
After all you've seen in the last 2 or 3 years, do you doubt any of this? do you really need convincing that microsoft is part of the whole shit?
Unless they start losing market, that won't be stopped.
Why not? it's as easy to use if not more easy than windows for that stuff specially, what do they use? internet browsers? word, excel? there's literally no proprietary software of daily use without a open source counterpart
are they all as full featured? maybe not, but for " day to day clerical use" they're more than good enough
You haven't even tried, linux is fantastic, you literally have control over everything, only you'll need to use the terminal for most advanced configurations (varies depending on distro)
No stupid registry to deal with, every single configuration is a text file, easily readable, system is highly customizable, it's a breeze to set up hot keys that work system wide for anything, hardware support is great
Are there quirks? yeah, but they're very worth to deal with to get rid of that MS garbage.