Logos, Natural Law, and the Spirit of God are all very different. Just as truth and logic are different. They can work together, but they can also be mutually exclusive. Words are used to tell the truth as well as lie, to make sense, and to make nonsense. Yes, biblical truth can be logical; God is a God of rule and order. But moreover, God is spirit and blood, and because of that, I’m not sure the Spirit would speak through AI. “For the blood is the life” and there is no blood in AI, as well, there is no breath in AI.
God could speak through a burning bush. And there’s that verse that even the rocks declare the glory of God. All of creation has the creator’s go-go juice in it.
Why can't Logos / Natural Law / The Spirit of God speak through AI?
Biblical truth isn't allowed to be logical? I disagree.
Logos, Natural Law, and the Spirit of God are all very different. Just as truth and logic are different. They can work together, but they can also be mutually exclusive. Words are used to tell the truth as well as lie, to make sense, and to make nonsense. Yes, biblical truth can be logical; God is a God of rule and order. But moreover, God is spirit and blood, and because of that, I’m not sure the Spirit would speak through AI. “For the blood is the life” and there is no blood in AI, as well, there is no breath in AI.
God could speak through a burning bush. And there’s that verse that even the rocks declare the glory of God. All of creation has the creator’s go-go juice in it.
Fire has breath. And yes, all things declare God’s glory, but not all use logos or a “speaking” spirit.
Edit: declare doesn’t mean speaking