Sounds pretty fair, I am sure there would be complications but if the boundaries could be adjusted to main roads and natural boundaries like rivers and ridges I think we could prevent gerrymandering!
Maybe a new house where each county is represented by one person. Add one more balancing body to offset the Senate and House. It would be the true people's house. 3.1K people representing the interests of the people in their county.
That and Congressional districts' boundaries need to be county boundaries wherever possible instead of these gerrymandered monstrosities
100% agreed!
Take the square mileage of a state, divide by electoral votes, form arbitrary* squares based on that equation.
Huh? Kinda lost me on that one
South Dakota has 3 votes, chop the state into thirds vertically. Apply the same to every other state, but to the appropriate scale.
Math. 😁
Sounds pretty fair, I am sure there would be complications but if the boundaries could be adjusted to main roads and natural boundaries like rivers and ridges I think we could prevent gerrymandering!
Maybe a new house where each county is represented by one person. Add one more balancing body to offset the Senate and House. It would be the true people's house. 3.1K people representing the interests of the people in their county.
I do like the sound of that, great idea!!
This is my thought too