them: "erm ackshually that was an ambulance helicopter, it's a 20 second exposure shot so that's why the search light streaked. The helicopter crew admitted to it."
me: if the search light streaked across the sky due to long exposure then why isn't the helicopter a long smudge in the sky too? Where is the actual helicopter crew saying this and not just local reporters?
Excuse me sir, that was just a really fast helicopter lol
😂😂 Geez. The lies the media have told is insane. There has to be a price for them to pay.
them: "erm ackshually that was an ambulance helicopter, it's a 20 second exposure shot so that's why the search light streaked. The helicopter crew admitted to it."
me: if the search light streaked across the sky due to long exposure then why isn't the helicopter a long smudge in the sky too? Where is the actual helicopter crew saying this and not just local reporters?
them: "Shut uuuuuppp!"
That’s very interesting!! Just WOW.