YES you should bother! That 1 share may be worth a ton soon and you want to have a real one in your name. Brokers dont have your best interest in mind.
I have an account with Fidelity and they are a solid brokerage, no fuckery. They will DRS shares you have for you. Just call them up and make the request!
To be blunt, GAME OVER.
I’ve only got one share haha should I still bother doing the DRS?
YES you should bother! That 1 share may be worth a ton soon and you want to have a real one in your name. Brokers dont have your best interest in mind.
How do you DRS?
I have an account with Fidelity and they are a solid brokerage, no fuckery. They will DRS shares you have for you. Just call them up and make the request!
go on the superstonk subreddit and browse around, there should be guides. i'm sure one of the apes over there can walk you through it.
go to read the site for detailed instructions
basically you go to, make an account, and buy GME from there.
You can transfer shares if you have them with a broker, but you gotta go to for the instructions