Gold and Silver are MONEY! When the dollar dies and we go back to Gold and Silver you will not be able to "BUY" money. It will come down to those who have it and those who don't. Why do you think they are keeping the sheep distracted with crypto while they drain the COMEX?
The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD. Pray.
Good luck with that.
They are watching who has it, and if we lose, they will come after you.
Lap, I can't speak for everyone, but most people are trying to simply trying to protect themselves for the difficult 'transition period' when our side wins.
No one is able to protect themselves if we lose.
Personally, I don't even consider losing a possibility while preparing, because there is nothing I can do to protect myself in that scenario - so I am only thinking about the things I can do to weather the storm that will come in a winning scenario.
It is counterproductive to consider the difficulties of 'losing' when you are prudently preparing for a win.
If I am wrong, at least I went down doing the only useful thing I could do.
Amen Brother!