(If you don't want to read it all, skip to the last line) So we're all waiting for that one big event, the shot heard around the world, the BOOMx3, the first arrest, Twitter and the storm status. So many WH fronts in play, all bubbling ready to burst and scream "Devolution Team, it's a go!"
I know Q refers to lines being crossed, and the kids will unite humanity, and probably more I'm missing not being quite the Qologist as many here, but what if that defining moment that triggers everything, that "oh shit" moment for the DS/Elites, the shit hitting the fan isn't what we're expecting. What if it's the fall/collapse of CBs & Fiat currency? This would definitely be "heard" around the world, and, what could awaken people better than a complete and udder financial system failure, while simultaneously uniting them? It's said we're looking past differences over the cost of gas, imagine this under financial collapse.
If any truth to this, then WH & BH are both driving us to the same point, albeit with very different motives and outcomes. A parallel economy is already ready/being readied, look at Putin & the Ruble, world wide acceptance of BTC. WH or BH are ready to swoop in and put in place their solution but the moment that triggers this is when the CBs have cataclysmically crashed.
At this point, draining the swamp, exposing the DS dirty secrets (human/child/sex trafficking, etc) would be a matter of sweeping up. Military would have to be involved, the world would be chaos in complete monetary collapse, setting the stage for military tribunals.
We The People of the world would be united, no matter our political leanings, race, color, creed nor religious affiliations, and all take a gigantic sigh in unison, Aw hell no, we can never let that happen again!!
Apologies if this has been brought up before, I don't recall seeing it if so.
So in summation, the pinnacle event that triggers the rest is collapse of CBs & Fiat currency.
Edit: God bless, NCSWIC!
I don't necessarily buy they do know they're beaten, or that they're panicking, etc.
This just came to me, and too much to edit my post, but I think DS is pushing a societal collapse, then financial failure to push the Great Reset. The WHs are pushing financial failure then societal collapse. Simplified, I think that's the biggest difference between the great awakening/reset, the order in which it collapses.
If society collapses first, societal chaos isn't very reconcilable, greatly easing the push of social credit scores/digital passports, and then collapsing CBs and going CBDC.
Where as if our financial system collapses first, I see it more building society being when we're all absolutely broke AF, who cares you're political leanings etc etc; reversing the social degradation that's been being built and pushed. Ending up of course on a parallel decentralized economy that's in the works.