I'm interested in your background. I assume you are Jewish. How did you come to be a Torah only guy? Is that common for someone to reject the Talmud? Does it make other Jews look down on you? I do know what the Talmud is and agree with your sentiment about God's word being eternal and not needing man's manipulation. One more question. I have seen Jewish converts write God as G-d because they worry that spelling out His full name is saying it in vain, but I noticed you don't do that. Is there any reason for that?
God is Elohim. When a Jew says hashem to refer to God he is simply saying “the name” because it is a respected way of mentioning God without saying his name. How ever God Elohim is not Gods name. More like a title. Gods holly name shall not be taken in vain indeed. As far as my background I was born in a communist dictatorship. And as far as Torah only, is due to rabbinic interpretations also known as the oral tradition that I strongly don’t agree with. The Pharisees claimed that the oral tradition was given to them by the spirit of God because the gentiles had taken the Torah from them for themselves. This statement is idiotic to me because it assumes God wouldn’t want the gentiles to know and follow him. The oral tradition was also in my opinion to distant Jews from Yeshua Mesiach. It was done purposely to take Jewish people away from our king. The leadership felt deeply threatened by the new form of worship and teachings of Yeshua.
Excellent write up. My family is Christian but they also refer to God as hashem and they call Jesus His correct name which is Yeshua, and Jesus Christ as Yeshua Mesiach.
Jesus also said, "do this in remembrance of me" during His last Passover before He was crucified, and we have a Passover Seder every year in remembrance of Him.
I'm interested in your background. I assume you are Jewish. How did you come to be a Torah only guy? Is that common for someone to reject the Talmud? Does it make other Jews look down on you? I do know what the Talmud is and agree with your sentiment about God's word being eternal and not needing man's manipulation. One more question. I have seen Jewish converts write God as G-d because they worry that spelling out His full name is saying it in vain, but I noticed you don't do that. Is there any reason for that?
God is Elohim. When a Jew says hashem to refer to God he is simply saying “the name” because it is a respected way of mentioning God without saying his name. How ever God Elohim is not Gods name. More like a title. Gods holly name shall not be taken in vain indeed. As far as my background I was born in a communist dictatorship. And as far as Torah only, is due to rabbinic interpretations also known as the oral tradition that I strongly don’t agree with. The Pharisees claimed that the oral tradition was given to them by the spirit of God because the gentiles had taken the Torah from them for themselves. This statement is idiotic to me because it assumes God wouldn’t want the gentiles to know and follow him. The oral tradition was also in my opinion to distant Jews from Yeshua Mesiach. It was done purposely to take Jewish people away from our king. The leadership felt deeply threatened by the new form of worship and teachings of Yeshua.
Excellent write up. My family is Christian but they also refer to God as hashem and they call Jesus His correct name which is Yeshua, and Jesus Christ as Yeshua Mesiach.
Jesus also said, "do this in remembrance of me" during His last Passover before He was crucified, and we have a Passover Seder every year in remembrance of Him.