2020 was allowed to be stolen to wake up the people to how corrupt the elections are. How do you think Trump won in 2016? Why was HRC so sure she was going to win? IF they have access to dominion they could have easily won. So how did Trump win? The cabal knew the legit polls showed Trump was going to win.
Exactly. “ it had to be this way” = allow 2020 bull shit and limit Bidens fuckery to keep the planet some what safe but allow the public to see the fuckery up close. “The ending won’t be for everyone” = many are expecting paradise after this is done. But it’s going to bring about the end times literally. Deep state desperation will make them move their plans faster , resulting in the end times anti christ and the beast ruling before christ returns and establishes his kingdom on earth. Remember that Q quote it’s going to be biblical on more than one occasion. I think it literally means end times prophecy being fulfilled.
2020 was allowed to be stolen to wake up the people to how corrupt the elections are. How do you think Trump won in 2016? Why was HRC so sure she was going to win? IF they have access to dominion they could have easily won. So how did Trump win? The cabal knew the legit polls showed Trump was going to win.
Exactly. “ it had to be this way” = allow 2020 bull shit and limit Bidens fuckery to keep the planet some what safe but allow the public to see the fuckery up close. “The ending won’t be for everyone” = many are expecting paradise after this is done. But it’s going to bring about the end times literally. Deep state desperation will make them move their plans faster , resulting in the end times anti christ and the beast ruling before christ returns and establishes his kingdom on earth. Remember that Q quote it’s going to be biblical on more than one occasion. I think it literally means end times prophecy being fulfilled.
What’s the end times? Everyone dies?