Greetings once again Anons and Researchers!
I present to you Chapter X of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual — Civilians in the Hands of a Party to the Conflict — An Audio and Video Translation
For those Anons who have not been following this series, this is a continuation of my DoD Law of War audio / video project that was inspired by Majic Eyes Qnly's massive DoD Q proofs. Towards the end of his series he lamented that very few Anons were willing to step forward and assist him in the Law of War research and decodes. The task of building a web bridging Q posts and Law of War sub-chapters and annotations is monumental, and cannot and should not be taken on by only one Anon. We all must be willing to do our part to dig into this very important research. Do not assume that this research has concluded, or that there is no more that may be found in this and many other military documents. There are still many major subjects in the Law of War that need to be researched and discussed by Anons, and other topics that we would do well to review from time to time.
The Law of War manual is a quintessential document for Q research, and should be read, or listened to in its entirety by all members of The Great Awakening board. Indeed it is nigh impossible to understand the inner workings of Devolution or The Continuity of Government without at least a tertiary understanding of the Law of War.
Please use this thread to discuss any pertinent or interesting findings in Chapter X of the Law of War manual as you listen along. It is my intention that these stickied threads be a place for Anons to gather and conduct Q research relating to individual chapters of the law of War and any connections to the Q postings or world events that may be found within.
Chapter X of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual covers the following topics:
10.1 - Introduction
10.2 - National-Level GC Implementation Measures
10.3 - Protected Person Status
10.4 - Derogation for Security Reasons
10.5 - Humane Treatment and Other Basic Protections for Protected Persons
10.6 - Measures of Control and Security
10.7 - General Treatment of Protected Persons in a Belligerent’s Home Territory
10.8 - Expulsion From Areas Within a Belligerent’s Home Territory and Departure and Transfers of Protected Persons From a Belligerent’s Home Territory
10.9 - Internment
10.10 - Segregation of Internees
10.11 - Safety, Hygiene, and Living Conditions in Places of Internment
10.12 - Canteens for Internees
10.13 - Food, Water, Tobacco, and Clothing for Internees
10.14 - Medical Attention for Internees
10.15 - Religious Exercise by Internees
10.16 - Intellectual, Physical, and Recreational Activities
10.17 - Internee Labor
10.18 - Internees’ Articles of Personal Use
10.19 - Financial Resources of Internees
10.20 - Administration of Places of Internment and Discipline
10.21 - Internee Petitions, Complaints, and Reports About Conditions of Internment
10.22 - Internee Committees
10.23 - Internee Correspondence and Relief Shipments
10.24 - Private Legal Matters of Internees
10.25 - Internees and Visits of Family and Friends
10.26 - Internee Escapes
10.27 - General Provisions Applicable to Both Judicial and Disciplinary Sanctions Regarding Internees
10.28 - Disciplinary Proceedings and Punishment
10.29 - Judicial Proceedings Regarding Protected Persons in Occupied Territory or Internees in a Belligerent’s Home Territory
10.30 - Transfers of Internees From the Place of Internment
10.31 - National Accounting for Protected Persons in Its Power
10.32 - Role of the Protecting Power in the GC
10.33 - Access to Internees by Protecting Powers, ICRC, and Other Relief Organizations
10.34 - Death of Internees
10.35 - Release, Return, Repatriation of Internees After the Close of Hostilities
Chapter X of the Law of War manual is an important chapter that bridges topics discussed in Chapter VIII and Chapter IX pertaining to prisoners of war, detainees, and civilians with the subject of Military Occupation that is explored in Chapter XI.
As quoted from the introduction of this chapter:
This Chapter addresses protection of civilians in the hands of a party to international armed conflict. In particular, the Chapter addresses civilians who are interned in the home territory of a belligerent or occupied territory.
Rules for the protection of civilians in the conduct of hostilities are addressed in Chapter V. Rules for the protection of civilians are specific to occupied territory addressed in Chapter XI, while rules that apply to both civilians in occupied territories and civilians in a belligerent's home territory are addressed in this Chapter.
As can be see, this chapter is a convergence of many topics. If you find yourself lost in this research, please refer back to the previous Chapters in this audio / video series. It is often necessary to proceed chapter by chapter through this manual in order to gain full understanding and discernment of the subjects contained within.
As was mentioned in the previous upload, these chapters all are of particular importance to the subject of the January 6th detainees / prisoners that are still being incarcerated to this very day. Just this week we had terrible news that Dr. Simone Gold was imprisoned for 6 months for her entrance into the Capital Building on January 6th of 2021.
In reading this manual I hope that our community can come to a better understanding of the classification of these unfortunate individuals as pertains to the Law of War manual. Depending upon how Washington D.C. is classified, and the implication of Military Occupation under Chapter XI of the Law of War manual, the individuals being incarcerated for their participation in the January 6th event could be classified as either detainees under Chapter VIII of the Law of War, as Prisoners of War under chapter IX of the Law of War, or as Civilians in the hands of a Party to the Conflict under Chapter X of the Law of War.
I believe all three of these may apply, as we have surveillance footage of Ukrainian military assets at the Capital Building on January 6th, as well as many American civilians who got caught up in the Psy Op False Flag. J6 is a tangled web that still needs to be unraveled, and these chapters of the Law of War can greatly help in understanding the possible military laws that may apply.
I would once again urge all Anons to take part in the analysis of these chapters. Do not rely upon the work of Majic Eyes Qnly as your sole source of information on the Law of War. It is still very much worth while for every Anon to have a personal understanding of this manual. To that purpose, I will again outline the methodology in which these chapters can be connected to Q posts. This methodology was first expanded upon by Majic Eyes Qnly.
When MEQ analyzes chapters of the Law of War he attempts to find numerical connections that can be drawn between Q postings and numbers found within the Law of War. The easiest of these to identify would be the chapter subtitles. In today's chapter, the following Q posts may apply to the chapter subtitles for analysis:
Q Posts 101 - 109
Q Posts 1011 - 1035
It is also worth looking at the chapter footnotes for additional connections to Q posts. While these footnotes have been omitted from this audio / video series, tehy can be found in the PDF of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual found at the following URL:
Finally, it is also worth maintaining a record of Law of War sub-chapter numberings for use in connection to timestamps of the social media postings of prominent military or government officials. It is for that reason that I include them in each of these posts. We often study timestamps with relation to whether they have connections to the Q postings, but rarely do I see Anons attempting to make connections directly to the Law of War manual. This is one avenue of research that I believe is important to pursue in the coming months as The Storm approaches. This is among the many reasons why I continue to urge every Anon to gain at least a tertiary understanding of the Law of War, and why I have endeavored to translate this manual to a more approachable audio / video format. Reading this 1000+ page manual is a daunting task made easier by the ability to passively listen to it as you go about your day.
Enter The Storm prepared with the knowledge of the Law of War at your side. The enemy is counting on our ignorance so that their criminality may go unnoticed, unpunished, and so that their war upon humanity may linger on in the shadows. Do not let our enemy hide in the shadows of ignorance and uncertainty any longer. The Law of War is a gift that the Trump Administration bequeathed to Anons in order to guide us through these dark times.
As always, remember Anons
I have seen many a post on The Great Awakening from Anons losing faith and heart in this absolutely massive and often incomprehensible plan. Nobody said taking down a 6000 year old death cult would be easy* (MJ12). We must elevate ourselves above our base emotions and always remember to apply logic and discernment in our daily lives. From the 10 ft view it most certainly may appear that we are losing this war. It is only when one endeavors to lift themselves up to the 40,000 ft view that we see that victory is close at hand.
Make no mistake Anons, Nuremburg 2.0 is coming.
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]is [C]oming.
The original thread with links to all audio / video recordings can be found here.
The associated Rumble channel, ElevenDotThree, can be found here.
- Qanaut -
Is it you narrating? I personally prefer narration/audiobooks because I can pay attention to my surroundings while listening to something informative.
I am using a neural network synthesized voice to get the job done. I thought about reading it myself, but I don't think I could maintain a level of consistency and clarity for the duration of the series.
Hopefully the compromise of a synthetic voice is serviceable. This technology has come a long way in the last decade.
As a gamer, can't go wrong with UK Daniel.