President Trump demands Equal Time (regarding January 6th Witch Hunt), an FCC rule requiring Networks to give political candidates equal advertising time. Although it may seem unrelated, I believe this statement lays the foundation for big changes @cnn, specifically.
Chris Licht, new CEO at CNN indicates changes are coming:
I've long held that normies will never wake up until their chosen trusted news sources begin to reprogram them with the truth. CNN flipping and re-emerging to the right of Fox News would wake up sleeping Americans on both sides of the political Spectrum.
I still think the Great Awakening is a long way off. Most people refuse to think.for themselves or it would not be needed.
Now, this would be a step in the right direction.
I don't.
I think we are right on the cusp of the Great Awakening, itself. What little support the Resident had has been completely eroded. Now it's time for the TRUTH to slap normies right upside their heads.
What happens when the 4 a.m. talking points the MSM disseminates and the normies parrot without thought, suddenly disappear?
I consider the Great Awakening to be more than people knowing the truth when its told to them. I think we are far off from that moment. The vast majority will have to be free from the chains for a long time before that happens. After the chains are gone and people are open to and expectant of truth they will start to realize how we could exist as a species. Without all the BS the curent system is. Then they will be awake. Then the actual chamges that are needed will happen.
The left seized power in this country by infiltrating and eventually controlling the 3 main pillars of society: The Media, The Entertainment Industry, and The Educational System , This is documented communist doctrine. It is only when we wrestle away control of these 3 pillars that society will be free. I believe the whitehats are focusing on the media pillar first since this one can have the most immediate impact. The others will follow in time
Grass roots movements have been slowly changing education.