I had always thought the way the left and politicians use democracy in their wording allows them to be better able to lie about the context of topic being discussed. They freak out at the thought of losing democracy. They are also very specific to use the word democracy when they speak. It’s interesting to notice next time you hear a politician or journalist speak about politics because what they say is true in regards to democracy but has so business even being discussed since our country is a constitutional republic. They know if they substituted constitutional republic for democracy they would be lying. IMO
I had always thought the way the left and politicians use democracy in their wording allows them to be better able to lie about the context of topic being discussed. They freak out at the thought of losing democracy. They are also very specific to use the word democracy when they speak. It’s interesting to notice next time you hear a politician or journalist speak about politics because what they say is true in regards to democracy but has so business even being discussed since our country is a constitutional republic. They know if they substituted constitutional republic for democracy they would be lying. IMO