My father had to quit school in the 7th grade and get a job to take care of his mother, brother and sister when his father passed away at 39 from tuberculosis.
He was their rock. He did the same for our family of four children. He taught us education was important, jealousy was a waste of time. You could have what they have if you work for it. He wasn't prejudice he was giving and kind and had tremendous faith in God. He used to say if you make $10.00 you don't spend $15.00. He was once told he could get free government cheese and he said I want nothing from the government.
Our home was full of love and you never realized that you really didn't have much money.
He was strong steadfast and a real leader a ral inspiration.
I worked a job I really didn't like for more than 20 years to provide my family with a decent home and community to live in. I finally had one of my children thank me for it in a letter I received yesterday. I hope one day to have the others thank me as well.
My father had to quit school in the 7th grade and get a job to take care of his mother, brother and sister when his father passed away at 39 from tuberculosis.
He was their rock. He did the same for our family of four children. He taught us education was important, jealousy was a waste of time. You could have what they have if you work for it. He wasn't prejudice he was giving and kind and had tremendous faith in God. He used to say if you make $10.00 you don't spend $15.00. He was once told he could get free government cheese and he said I want nothing from the government.
Our home was full of love and you never realized that you really didn't have much money.
He was strong steadfast and a real leader a ral inspiration.
I miss him so much.
Happy Father's Day dad.
I worked a job I really didn't like for more than 20 years to provide my family with a decent home and community to live in. I finally had one of my children thank me for it in a letter I received yesterday. I hope one day to have the others thank me as well.
Happy Father's Day to you.