579 HAPPY FATHERS DAY! To ALL Those MEN Who Stand Strong for Their Family! Please List What Makes a GOOD FATHER! (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 2 years ago by ThisIsHowItStarts 2 years ago by ThisIsHowItStarts +579 / -0 138 comments download share 138 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Best thing that ever happened to me is my dad not letting me quit track when it got hard.
"IF you don't want to run next year, that's fine. But you have to finish the season."
Thanks dad for not raising a quitter!
My daughter wanted to quit martial arts. I reminded her of the commitment she made, blackbelt first, then you can do what you want.
She made 1st degree black, then was done. She thanks me to this day for making her finish. She doesn't do a lot, but what she does, it gets finished.
That’s an awesome story. My father ran track. And hurtles! I’ve got some awesome pictures of him jumping over the hurdles.