"Dire Warning to Americans From Gonzalo Lira in Kharkiv, Ukraine; Biden Admin. escalating Ukraine Situation to Nuclear War with Russia" - link below
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13 min vid by Gonzo warning US that Hidey is setting up a nuke conflict using Kaliningrad, Lithuania, and Poland, the last two of which unlike Ukraine ARE NATO, and the US is bound to intervene with our weakened military against the Russian military at the height of their fighting capacity.
Just out of respect, he loathes being called "Gonzo." Scott Ritter was calling him that without asking him, and Gonzalo didn't want it.
No such information. But you have to realize that he is Chilean and what makes for polite use of a Spanish given name may differ on account of that. I tolerate only two usages of my own given name; that's my right.
He's known worldwide at "Gonzo," though. It's a complement. I can see why he wants to use his formal name in an interview though.