Rush was like John the Baptist on AM radio. I discovered him in 1988 when he went nationwide. I believe he was in part a significant progenitor of Q.
I listened to him almost everyday while detailing cars on my own. I took my Dad to "Dan's Bake Sale" in Fort Collins, CO. Anyone remember that? Such a good time.
For now, we have neither Rush nor Q. However, we have this precious forum to maintain hope for the future, and keep our sanity while things play out.
To everyone on GAW, I love you all.
miss him too, dittohed. I miss him too.
Started my day with him for 20+ years. Now when I hear (the song) My City Was Gone I get depressed. I want this movie to end sooner than later.
The montages of fake news words or phrases woke a lot of people up. R.I.P. El Rushbo.
Thanks you are so right.
Field of Dreams. There are some Comms to suggest Rush might be "coming back". As in, revealed to still be alive.
I just want to hear one more call with Mick from the high mountains of New Mexico
Lost his hearing by taking oxycodone and viagra and humping young prostitutes in Porto Rico
rush didn't get behind Trump from the start, from the moment he came down the escalator. How did he miss that?
Understand Clowns thought Trump was on their side initially. It's the only reason he got any Media coverage at all (and Media love even, reconcile chummy Morning Joe on eve of the NH primary).
As hard as it is to believe now, Clowns wanted him to run solely for the purpose of destroying Jeb! It's why Youtube pushed so many 'epic' algo-pushed professionally-edited 'Trump ownz Jeb at debate' vids back then.
He seemed like an establishment Republican to me. Kinda like Fox News. It was fun though listening to him rail on the Dems.