Edit: I was not expecting a sticky and such an outpouring of support. I've decided to try and find an electrician after much suggestion. Thank you for the love and support. You guys are awesome!
Weird question.
My fusebox is in my basement, where I've pretty much stocked up for Armageddon. I'm wary of letting an electrician into my home to install fuses and switches for my power generator so I'm thinking about doing the install myself.
I was wondering if anyone might be able to assist or provide a step by step with my set up?
Thank you
Another simpler way is to shut off the main breaker for your house and then use a dryer plug to back feed into the 240v receptacle. JUST MAKE SURE YOU TURN THE MAIN BREAKER OFF.
This is especially important to remember if you are in the middle of a power cut.
Not only will you be powering your neighbours house, you will get a nasty surprise when the grid comes back online :)
And light up the lines needing service, possibly killing a lineman. Transformers work in both directions.
Don't they have breakers in the transformers before it gets to the high voltage lines to prevent just a scenario?
No. The generator would only produce a small amperage and never trip their fuse, but high line voltage still the same. 7200,13500 your a dead man.