Satanists (KM, Rothschilds, name stealers) have infiltrated the following:
- Israel/Zionists (research Netanyahu and his family; also Kissinger, Schwab backgrounds)
- Catholic Church (research the Pope, his WW2 background, Jesuits, images of Vatican auditorium that look like serpent)
- Saudi Arabia (research House of Saud and their true origin, as well as the massive human trafficking that was going on in SA until 2017)
- Church of England (research infiltration by Catholics as punishment for breakaway; see UK Royals direct involvement in changes)
- Protestant Church (research infiltration by Catholics as punishment for breakaway and Megachurch pastors involvement in pedophilia)
- Mormon Church (research Mitt Romney and his ties to Ukraine; also research current Mormon Church leadership and look at infiltration going on in Utah)
It is some tribe that has become very adept at appropriating other tribes’ culture and religion while secretly practicing their satanism. “Name stealing” and “acting” could be called one and the same. Thus, the close linkage/takeover of Hollywood by this criminal syndicate.