Satanists (KM, Rothschilds, name stealers) have infiltrated the following:
- Israel/Zionists (research Netanyahu and his family; also Kissinger, Schwab backgrounds)
- Catholic Church (research the Pope, his WW2 background, Jesuits, images of Vatican auditorium that look like serpent)
- Saudi Arabia (research House of Saud and their true origin, as well as the massive human trafficking that was going on in SA until 2017)
- Church of England (research infiltration by Catholics as punishment for breakaway; see UK Royals direct involvement in changes)
- Protestant Church (research infiltration by Catholics as punishment for breakaway and Megachurch pastors involvement in pedophilia)
- Mormon Church (research Mitt Romney and his ties to Ukraine; also research current Mormon Church leadership and look at infiltration going on in Utah)
Going through Codex Oera Linda. There appears to be some references to a cabal-like group attacking early Norse/Saxon descendants. Still working out the timeline.