posted ago by Jtap ago by Jtap +9 / -0

Holy Spirit, please lead my hand?

(Sorry it's been a while, all. Been a lot going on lately and it's been a struggle to do this at all)

1 Samuel 13

"Couldn't wait, could you?"

What if Saul had waited a few more minutes? What if he had paused a second and considered Your commands before offering a burnt offering as sacrifice. In fact so short a time from Samuel's arrival it would have been completely possible to wait.

How many times have I done that? Missed out on Your delivering providence in favor of instant gratification? How many times have I sold myself short by literally seconds?

I repent, Father. Of my lusts, my greed,my malice, my sins and please reveal and remove my iniquities in my heart and the rest of my brothers and sisters. May we all repent. May those that are over us in places of governance be convicted of the same if You will, Father.

Fill us with patience of the Holy Spirit to see beyond our instant desire. Maybe to even see the deliverance isn't that much further behind the instantly gratifying choice.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ given for our frowardness and forwardness into sins.

Please bless this wine, the blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins. The blood of Jesus Christ

In Jesus name amen