Question for those who celebrate "Juneteenth"
Underrated Question
How are you going to celebrate the end of slavery when the federal reserve still exists?
How do they call the Twenty 'eth' a 'Teenth' ? the 20th is not in the 'teens' This is how fkd up all this wokeness b.s. is.
It is on the 19th. Still dumb, though.
even dumber
please excuse my ignorance about this ignorant day. they never had this stupid wokeness shit when I was growing up
We get "smarter" together, fren. It's new to most of us!
yes. who comes up with this new b.s. anyway? I know nothing about it until I saw it on a bank door last week. Had no idea what it was. I stopped wathcing the brainwashing news over a year ago and l feel refreshed.
I am pretty sure the original Juneteenth date was June 19th