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I was wondering if the battle for Ukraine is to do with how vital Ukraine will be when the ice age is really upon us? . Due to the pole shifting and temperatures and climate changes countries like Russia and Ukraine might end up housing most of the world population as so much will be under water or frozen whereas russia and ukraine temperature will be very good for growing crops much more than even now.
There is talk of the jews beng moved to greater Israel Ukraine..? Will this be really the Jews? At present the Jews confirmed by DNA live in Palestine or the people who call themselves jews in Israel who seem intent on continuing warring and killing as many as they can.
Either way it doesn't seem to auger well for the rest of humanity does it?
Why should the jews be given priority.? .. especially as they now can't keep on with their 'divine' right rubbish. Aliens are not divine...and the elohim were vicious .
I didn't down vote this; I don't know the answer.
I don't follow the whole Jewish thread as much as many others do. And I suspect those who follow and have thoughts on this probably do not skim the daily thread. If you're sincere in having discussion on it (I'd say you are from how you phrased it) I'd suggest making a stand alone thread.
That said, from all appearances and intuition Ukraine is a convenient seat in which to carry out Evil Plans under the cloak of corruption. Polar shift / cataclysm while possible strikes me as unnecessary. They have plenty of reasons to utilize the area as is, without that being in the mix.
Obviously, I have no clue though. Not my area of study at all.
No idea how to do a stand alone thread..maybe if someone else is concerned too they can do it.
Having read quite a bit about climate change....the real one.....who has control of Russia and Ukraine is very important indeed.
Don't follow Jewish stuff...its not the Jews that are problems to a great degree as we know....
For what it's worth, the Satanic Cabal has a lot of people with Jewish names, but they are at complete odds with NON-Satanist Jews. For good reason.
Jesus said "I will not come again until you say 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'".
Keeping this in mind, how do Satanists think they can stop Jesus from coming again and destroying them ALL?
Kill all Jews who are faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They've done a pretty good job of that over the centuries. Kill them or convert them to Satanism. The animosity of liberals toward the NATION of Israel (which is not a place) is supernatural, demonic.
It has been confirmed by church authorities etc that nothing Jesus said was recorded....nothing...
If he was yahweh s only begotten son as the bible said he was an alien like yahweh. mary his mother was also a hybrid wecknow anyway h
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles .. Mauro was official translator for Vatican publishers. An expert in old hebrew Greek and Latin Mauro has many talks with rabbis etc who admit to the cloning in the bible...they know yahweh was an alien..not a fallen angel!!
https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/yhwh..please read the link..save me typing yahweh also visited other women who got pregnant and I don't know what his partner.. mentioned briefly in book of kings got to say about it
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I send all my links to Ashlanddog..he posts them for me......thanks though.