Post Midterms - DOJ Dismantle (The Start)
FBI / DOJ - 1st.
Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?
"They are resisting the will of the American People" - Trump
((Lock her up Chant))
"It's being proven we have a rigged system, but it doesn't happen so easy, but this system is gonna have a lot of changes" - Trump
"We have 1000s of people under surveillance, oh, surveillance that sounds familiar" - Trump
(Trump hinting at the fact he knew back then what Durham just exposed to the world)
RSBN Version -
You do think it would be illegal to publicly leak future Supreme Court upcoming cases/rulings? I’m sure there are federal laws against this mainly because these type of matters are most likely classified until it is made public by the appropriate person.
Nope. Not illegal. Congress cannot dictate the rules of a separate branch of government. In the same way that Congress cannot legislate who can practice law in front of an article 3 court. And SCOTUS cannot dictate to the Senate or House how they conduct their business. SCOTUS, if they wanted to, could conduct their deliberations publicly on live television and internet stream. Congress could not demand secret deliberations. Of course, that would be a shit show. But nothing could be done about it.
It’s not illegal at all. There’s nothing classified about them. There’s nothing making publishing a preliminary opinion unlawful.