Chicken's evening snack - handful of spanish needle and chickweed along with a bunch of banana leaves...
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...those are some happy ladies....
I feel like this should start being used as code.
I see Orpingtons!!! 😁. I have four. Boot, Bonnet, Misty and Apollo.
Yep... We gave 4 also. Only the biggest one has been named so far... Sweety.
Squeeee. I love my chickens. I have two Easter eggers (Queenie and Nepthis) , starlight green egger (Freya), two broilers (Vega and Galatea) which are thriving beyond 18 weeks, one Barred Rock ( Conrad), seven silver leghorns (three Roos, four hens) and a AustraLorp ( Olivia) with the orpingtons.
We have 4 each:
Buff orpingtons, Gold laced Wyandot, Chantecler Partridge