On a scale of 1 to 10, how believable are the following statements if I were to tell you they were true?
1 is unbelievable, 10 is believable.
1. | Natural Phenomena, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, are the direct result of us unrepentantly sinning.
2. | Sacrificing children, people, and animals guarantees a good harvest.
3. | Tarot, Zodiac, Palm Reading, Crystal Balls, Ouija Boards and any other form of Scrying are real and not just con artists using the power of suggestion.
Disclaimer! I'm not claiming any of the above are true (at least not as popular culture has presented them over the years). However... The reality is not so dissimilar as to be unrelated to the above in terms of simple acceptability.
For a small taste of what I'm getting at... there is a definite reason a full declass can't come out all at once. It HAS to be a slow-roll, because it was a slow-roll in which the Cabal brought us to the precipice to begin with. Kinda like crawling under the house to fix a clogged pipe. If you crawled there, you still gotta crawl back.
Anyways, give me a rating on the above so I know how much of the crazy can be tolerated here without me looking completely insane. I mean, I am insane... But not shit-smearing in a padded cell insane. More of the "I'm an otter who is considering lining his brain with eyes" insane...
Thanks in advance!
My wife and I were atheists/agnostics who found ideas like these laughable. We prided ourselves on not believing in fairy tales. Hyper logical types. For example, I fell asleep in the theater watching Harry Potter. Talk of the supernatural was as boring as listening to a child tell me about a dream he had.
Last year we started having undeniable spiritual experiences. "Downloads" about the structure of the universe and much more. Proofs often accompanied them. We witnessed events that were mathematically and physically impossible (as a former aerospace engineer, experienced with math, including probability and statistics, I'm comfortable stating that). Miracles.
We have dedicated ourselves to providing others with tools to experience the spiritual first-hand. Because we would have never believed it otherwise.
*Quick story about cards. In the beginning, my wife could not see. Knowing essentially nothing yet, I feared that we would be dimensionally separated unless she was provided proof. I privately prayed for my wife to be shown the Truth by silently crying out into a realm that I didn't understand at all yet. I cannot say that I was in my body during this very intense, uncontrollable, and otherworldly prayer on my bathroom floor.
The prayer was immediately answered.
I gathered myself and went downstairs. My wife was in the kitchen with tears welled-up in her eyes and a deck of cards in her hand. She said, "No matter what, I can't draw anything but the Ten-of-Hearts, followed by the Ace-of-Diamonds." I said, "bullshit! show me." She shuffled thoroughly and cut the deck, and drew 10h followed by Ad. "Do it again," I said. She did it 5 times while sinking to hear knees, crying and shaking. The next few times, only the 10h came.
For anyone still reading:
Yes, there's no way for you to believe us. But you CAN be shown personally. In fact, the spirits will beat you over the head with the Truth until you accept it.
God is real and I've hung out with him. I mean, hung out like hanging out with an old homie. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true. He spoke through my heart using what I call "vectors." I don't know how else to describe them. They were something akin to arrows being shot into my heart whereby information is contained in the direction and strength of the shot.
It still sounds beyond crazy to me. Same with Q. But "that's crazy" is not an argument.
For each of the crazy theories posted here that you see, before you move on to the next one, simply estimate a rough probability of it being real. It seems difficult to do, but you don't have to be correct. But you do have to really think for a second and do your best to determine a likelihood. Start with a wild guess, say 5% chance or whatever, then see how it feels and adjust. Think of other stories you've seen that bolster or detract from the theory, adjusting your assessment as you go. Even better, think of your own theories and score them the same way.
Do this exercise for a while and see if anything weird happens in your life. If something weird does happen, in similar fashion, evaluate the likelihood that it was real or if you've lost your mind. Think of ways to prove to yourself that what you've witnessed was real. This creates a rabbit trail.
Following these rabbit trails is quick and easy because spirits are guiding you. For example, recently I saw a crazy looking bird, a golden pheasant. Mildly wondering if it was a sign, I googled to see if this bird was common near me. It has never been reported as being spotted near where I live. Slightly interested now, I typed "bird" into the search bar here at GAW. The only bird that appeared in the results was a golden pheasant. Two searches, under 5 minutes. I reckon that one's about 96%.
Use your imagination and have fun with it. But don't lose your mind; don't lie to yourself. If you're the type to lie to yourself, this type of thinking can be dangerous. And certainly don't let your excitement drive you to lie about it to others.
Those aren't lightning bolts in the flag.
I've seen them too, these "vectors" you describe.
I had a vision where I saw Trump hunched over in a chair, contemplative like in prayer, and thousands of these shining silver lightning-like 'bandages' come into and out of his back and wrap the world like a cocoon. That flag was in my vision as well, standing behind him on a pole stand and to his right, in front of a massive blue curtain that covered the wall.