What Does One Use To Charge An Electric Vehicle?
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The Electric Grid. Where does the electric grid get power from? Power Plants. What do power plants use to generate power? Predominantly Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Fission.
Why buy a battery powered car? So I can look down at all those people who use oil products to power their vehicles, knowing that I am superior when it comes to saving the planet.
As someone who owns an EV, maybe you shouldn’t try speaking for me. i bought mine because it’s very cheap too run as a commuter. Has nothing to do with saving the earth.
Yah, convenience is so nice if you can charge at home. And less maintenance. The downside is the dependence on the electrical grid + dirty lithium mining.
It's disappointing that EVs are associated with west-coast liberal snobs. They're very practical.
Maybe when this show ends, there will be new tech released like Nikola Tesla's free energy. That'll be neat and a win-win for everyone.