First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

I've been there. Ulcers can be miserable, like being gut shot, literally. Anyway, to get iron I'd recommend you try Glory brand canned collard greens. They are really good and do wonders to improve iron poor blood. Years ago after cancer surgery and chemo my blood was really iron deficient. I started eating the collard greens 3 times a day and my numbers improved dramatically. I spoke to a pharmacist friend who said the iron in collard greens is exactly the type my body needed in the correct form for my body to digest and use. Just passing this along. You might want to keep a few cans in the pantry in case you get into this situation again too.