We have something similar happening the Canada Day weekend (maybe) in Ottawa. A lot of us suspect a huge False Flag/Media creation/Government shenanigan to occur in order to counter the events with the ultra-Canadian-patriot James Topp. He, and other ex-military/vets are combining with civilians to push information awareness of government abuse and hopefully cause mandate-bullshit ceasing. The MSM has ignored him until just recently, but they are desperately trying to play catch-up and change their stance on the narrative to try and take back control, the dumbasses.
The Public is a tidal wave of narrative-countering now. The government is desperate to take back control. EXCELLENT!
We have something similar happening the Canada Day weekend (maybe) in Ottawa. A lot of us suspect a huge False Flag/Media creation/Government shenanigan to occur in order to counter the events with the ultra-Canadian-patriot James Topp. He, and other ex-military/vets are combining with civilians to push information awareness of government abuse and hopefully cause mandate-bullshit ceasing. The MSM has ignored him until just recently, but they are desperately trying to play catch-up and change their stance on the narrative to try and take back control, the dumbasses.
The Public is a tidal wave of narrative-countering now. The government is desperate to take back control. EXCELLENT!
I'm noticing more and more fellow Canadians around me are absolutely fed up with Turdeau and his antics... It's beautiful!