Great tribulation/persecution such as the world has ever seen and The pouring out of the vials/ Gods wrath, are two completely different things! False teachers have taught a lie. Even Kirk Cameron has admitted that the left behind series is incorrect and based on a theory that is no older than 250 years. The KJV has been in existence longer.
Know you Bible
Study to shew thyself approved, a workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth!
Tribulation saints refers to the fact that the saints are not caught up until midway through the tribulation. This in itself is proof that there is no pretrib rapture. This teaching will cause millions to take the mark because they won’t believe it is the mark. They will have not seen a rapture therefore it cannot be tribulation. Trib and wrath are two different things.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
If I have to be beheaded, how can I "remain alive?"
Except those days be shortened, shall no flesh be saved. The majority will be muttered by the antichrist. Then I saw a great multitude under the alter, and they said how long Lord holy and true till you avenge them who have killed us. And they were told to wait until the rest be killed. Not all will be beheaded but most will. Some will be spared. The antichrist will make war on the saints and there will be a great falling away. Aka mass death of believers.
It takes place in a span of appx 75 days. We don’t know the day or hour but will see it soon approaching as it gets nearer. But when you see the sign of Daniel the prophet and the antichrist stand in the holy place. Watch because you have 75 days. How will they know where every Christian is hiding? They won’t. Some will be caught up while alive. But it will not be like left behind. When Noah was in the arc it was him and his family that were left behind on earth. The rest were all taken away to death by the flood. As in the days of Noah. But it has to be taken in context.
But when you see the sign of Daniel the prophet and the antichrist stand in the holy place.
Read the book of Daniel carefully. Daniel prays for his people. God answers concerning the transgression of Daniels people. I did not reject the Messiah, I welcomed Him with open arms and heart. This is the transgression of Daniels people, killing the prophets who came to tell of the Messiah. God pronounced their punishment and went silent for 400 years. I have NOTHING to do with this. I would be sincerely pissed off about going through the trib/wrath, why did I bother believing if I could have just partied and waited until my head was cut off? It makes no sense.
Another thing to think about, your home has become infested with vermin and you plan on burning them out in the most major way. Would you leave your bride in the house while you were burning it?
The whole purpose of the tribulations are to convert unbelieving Israel (and gentiles) by making it so bad that they turn to God for redemption. Are you in need of this or is the shed blood of Christ enough for you?