Great tribulation/persecution such as the world has ever seen and The pouring out of the vials/ Gods wrath, are two completely different things! False teachers have taught a lie. Even Kirk Cameron has admitted that the left behind series is incorrect and based on a theory that is no older than 250 years. The KJV has been in existence longer.
Know you Bible
Study to shew thyself approved, a workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth!
Have you read this?
Or are you just going by what other people say? I was once LOST in the scriptures, unable to make heads or tails of it because I did not rightly divide the word. What does the phrase "rightly dividing the word" even mean but dispensation? Why would a professing believer in Christ need to be "ruled with a rod of iron?" Do you eat pork, observe the Sabbath Day?
Trust me, brother.