I knew very little about the formal language of the church so can't answer your question. When the priest outlined what we needed to do, I just thought he was telling us the cost was like a fee. Please keep in mind I was raised in the mormon church and it was only through attending an Apostolic church that I came to realize I called myself Christian without any true understanding and thus my quest began. I am sure there are lots of holes in my understanding and knowledge and that I learned the most from Roman Catholic sources. Btw, I have prayed the Rosary and treasure my Crusifix blessed by John Paul. I believe and study the mysticism within the faith, but at my age will continue at my little country parish where I am very sure there are angels all around.
Bless you, and I feel your hug and would hug you back.
I knew very little about the formal language of the church so can't answer your question. When the priest outlined what we needed to do, I just thought he was telling us the cost was like a fee. Please keep in mind I was raised in the mormon church and it was only through attending an Apostolic church that I came to realize I called myself Christian without any true understanding and thus my quest began. I am sure there are lots of holes in my understanding and knowledge and that I learned the most from Roman Catholic sources. Btw, I have prayed the Rosary and treasure my Crusifix blessed by John Paul. I believe and study the mysticism within the faith, but at my age will continue at my little country parish where I am very sure there are angels all around.
Bless you, and I feel your hug and would hug you back.
Hey I was raised Mormon too! Did I mention that?
Is your parish in Communion with the Holy Catholic church?
No. Episcopal, the reformation.
Oh, and how coincidental is both of us out of mormonism. I have met very few since moving East and none who are ex. This is really extraordinary.