I’m asking for several reasons. The first is we clearly are not playing a game, we seriously want to help in the information warfare effort to bring down the cabal.
Second, and pardon me for thinking like an English teacher, we never stopped playing, so why ask again?
Actually, as I’m writing this, I’m kind of thinking the message in this post is not to Anons. Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts.
Yes, the reference is to "War Games" but it also probably has deeper meaning too.
A part of me accepts the generally held idea that Q is (and was) a TEAM, made up of fewer than 10 people, some of whom are military.
But sometimes I toy with the idea of, What if Q is an AI with an incredible amount of intelligence, predictive power, and can "remember" everything about everyone involved in the DS? Or perhaps the human Q team also has access to such computing AI resources?
....just like in the movie, "War Games."