She married a liberal and lives near his family, so she’s getting a huge dose of woke liberalism. I’ve watched her progress down the proverbial dark hole after being raised in a conservative family.
And she was upset last night about Roe Vs. Wade. And we were texting and she said, “this is a freedom some people no longer have access to!”
And I said, “EXACTLY! Although abortion is not a freedom I approve of, I want you to understand that since 911, many of our freedoms have been removed, vanished, banned. This is something I Desperately need you to understand! Freedom of speech? Gone! Freedom of choice over our own bodies with vaccinations—-gone! Freedom to bare arms? Going! I want you to understand the truth of our times through your own lens of what freedom means! And now you do.”
And guys, she got it. She finally understood. But she had to have a lightbulb moment in her own way, in her own time.
It’s possible to redpill by discussing Roe.
They never seem to think that the baby is female…and their abortion is taking away that small woman’s “privilege”. That aborted baby will never get to choose her own abortion!
Seriously, their arguments are so silly.
It’s not 1973 anymore. Women have lots of choices for reducing reproduction. Planned parenthood still gives out tons of birth control pills, condoms, implantable devices with hormones, spermicides, don’t they give plan b or the morning after pill? Isn’t the morning after pill almost like taking 3 or 4 birth control pills at once?
And condoms for men? Doesn’t anyone want to keep from getting herpes or some other STI?
Both men and women seem less fulfilled by the hook-up culture. Maybe everyone should start treating sex as something a bit more special than a late night Taco Bell run? You could even fall in love.