I'm having a lot of depression because of my whole fam who have been vaxxed. My brother who is pretty healthy got sick twice in 2 months. Now my extended family all have covid in the middle of the summer.
I know I have to rely on God during these times. But the truth tellers and doctors were not lying. Im frikken sad because I think I know what is coming.
My doctor was surprised (back in 2021) when I told him I wasn't vaccinated, and that NO, I did not want him to give me the vaccine. He asked why, genuinely curious, and I told him all I knew at that time (VAERS, piss-poor clinical trials, experimental mRNA injections) and he just said, "OK, I understand that."
Saw him again in February and he was genuinely perplexed that I had not been sick at all and was just there for my semi-annual checkup. He had already told me in the past that I was one of the healthiest patients he has, so... can't argue with success.
EDIT: Sorry, got off topic there. To your question about your family, I hear there are a few de-tox treatments for the vaxx'es but you'd have to look them up. Also, it appears from what I've been reading that the more boosters one has, the sicker one is likely to get. So check to see how many boosters they have had.
The Pharma companies insisted on legal indemnity (you can't sue them) if they rolled out the vaxx'es, so they already knew that their products were pure shit.
The worst part about the current situation is how widespread it is, and how the interests that bought this about will fight tooth and nail to keep the killings continuing. Because any admission of wrongdoing, of murder, of lying about efficacy or safety even though all those are clearly horrible.. will mean that the table with all the cards gets flipped and the world is going to burn. Can you see all the heads of government all over the world meekly surrendering to their citizens and accepting death sentences against them? The majority of doctors? Everyone at big pharma? They are relying on their crime being so overwhelming that organized resistance is (in their minds) impossible.. like a mob of thousands with clubs rampaging around and killing single people by themselves one by one.
Tangential to that will be refusing all attempts to invent a cure or treatment for the vaxx injuries, since the only companies with the scale and facilities to make something up are the same ones doing the killing.
So any cure is going to have to be a natural remedy of some kind, or one that utilises common medications so widespread and so cheap that pharma and the terrorist regulators cant destroy them or cordon them off, they way they did with HCQ, IVM, and are trying to do with vitamins and supplements right now.
Let me add one to that list - the schools etc that put kids through such psychological hell. Seeing some of those photos made me sad for them. One of the most ridiculous that comes to mind was a band class, playing their instruments through masks with holes cut in them.
My son did college online at home while most of his friends went away to school and had to be subjected to the shots, masks and STILL ended up doing college online in their DORM ROOMS. He was glad he went that route. Such idiocy with all this.
I take care of my 80 year old grandfather with muscular dystrophy in rural Kansas, so luckily for me I was already at home all day...not much changed.
Walmart and the few other stores I'd visit made me wear the dumb mask for a little while...but, that was the extent of it. Other than having ONE doctor push the whole "THERES PEOPLE DYING ALL UP AND DOWN THESE HALLS GET YOUR SHOT" when I had to go to the hospital for pancreatitis early into all this mess. Glad I ignored him.