297 I could not agree more.... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by PrayerWarrior419 2 years ago by PrayerWarrior419 +297 / -0 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You retards think communists are principled? They don't hold themselves accountable. EVER. Get it through your thick fucking skull. You can't argue with these terrorists because they don't give a fuck. They don't care how hypocritical they are.
They don't have to follow through to DDoS the system. You just need to overload the system with more reports than they could ever sort through.
Then they'll just turn around and arrest you for domestic terrorism or sedition. Exactly like what communists did elsewhere
Do we think communist are principled? Fuck off of course we don't think you have any principles.