deleted 3 points ago +4 / -1
DavidColeIntrepid 8 points ago +8 / -0

Let's hope it's not the soviet show trial that Nuremberg was with all the claims of human lamp shades and "masterbation death machines" taken as evidence.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0


It's not a "faith". If it ever was then that's no longer the case. It's a racially supremacist cult covering itself in the veils of a religion.

If that were true then why are most "jews" athiest? Can I say "fuck God, fuck Christ, they don't exist" and still be a Christian? Am I "racially Christian "?

You know there's a long tradition of Christianity in Japan. Are they "racially Christian" ? "Racially Buddhist"? "Racially Shinto"?

Can they change their entire geneology by accepting Christ? If not then why can the "jews "?

As previously stated, what you call "jews" are not "semites". They are not descended from Shem through Judah. They are from khazaria which is modern Ukraine.

This is why I’m not in favor of religious authority

So you're an athiest, right? You call yourself a "jew" while not following "judaism". Revelations 2:9 has something to say about that.

If you opened your heart some

This is the "love is love" non-arguement used by pedophiles in lgbt. Say, you know who Magnus Hirschfield and the Rothschild funded "institut fur sexualwissenshaft " is? Funny how "jews" have been behind lbgt all along

in a age of idol worship and paganism

So you denounce traditional religion in favor of haim mordecai (karl marx) new marxist/jewish religion of worshipping man. The "perfected socialist man" in his words is literally an idol.

"Some call it marxism, I call it judaism" - genrich yagoda jewish leader of checha who murdered millions of ethnic Russ, the people the damned country is named after.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be compassionate

Not to child groomers, they deserve none

judge people by their individual convictions

That's what I'm doing. Did you watch the brother Nathanael video I cited? Did I not cite him in this thread? You know he was born a jew in israel?

being a jew doesn’t make me inherently evil

Nobody said that. Again, have you seen brother Nathanael?

It's the name stealing, the jealousy, and the constant lying which makes a person evil. Whatever you call "judaism" has been subverted by evil. The difference between that and the Catholic church is the pope doesn't go around calling everyone who doesn't like child rapists "intolerant"

Aryans are the real Israelites. The ancient hebrew swastika should've been an indication. In the ancient world appeared frequently alongside the hexagram (what you call the star of David) as in ancient Hindu temples.

What you call "judaism" is just racial supremacist pilpul. That's why the majority of "jews" are athiest. They do not follow the torah, they just hate Christ. This is where the slur "circle" comes from.

If you hold that hate in your heart then you are condemning your soul to eternal damnation. Same if you believe in reincarnation or not.

It's like a guy who hates his mother so he BECOMES his mother by being a tranny. You become what you hate the most. The only path to redemption is conversion. Whatever "judaism" once was, it is no longer. It's currently only an inbred, racial supremacist (purebred is inbred), political cudgel.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're parents converted from being child murdering pagan heathens but you won't allow anyone who isn't from an inbred group of 350 to convert? Typical jew, pulling the ladder up behind you.

If you're a "sEmItE" then I'm jewish too

Edit- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/Jewish_swastika.jpg/201px-Jewish_swastika.jpg

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brother Nathanael was born and raised under judaism in shitsrael. He knows of what hes talking about.

You aren't a "semite" ashkenazi are khazarian converts that originate in Ukraine. Genetic evidence proves they come from a group of less than 350 people. That's a lot of inbreeding.

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +1 / -1

By murdering them all? Either

A) Germany tried to move the jews to Madagascar but the French wouldn't allow it so they shipped them to Palestine


B) homicidal "gas chambers" with nothing but a pile of hair as evidence

Pick one

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. His family lawyer argued in court that his grandparents were jewish but he was no Rothschild.

Haim Mordecai (Karl marx) on the other hand was Rothschilds third cousin. A direct relative

DavidColeIntrepid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hitler was clear the German socialism was not the jewish globalism. His socialism was national.


DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

You provided a link



Theres hundreds of links saying it's an abbreviation for "national socialist" and that's completely bullshit. So where's the proof besides just saying it?

The etymology is here


Deep State propaganda

Because the deep state of jewish child traffickers like Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (Maxwell's father, also a mossad child trafficker purchased a monopoly on school textbooks in the US) haven't been calling everyone who criticizes the sexual grooming of children in school as "nAzIs"

Sure bud. You live in whatever fever dream you want to. But you're not going to tell me facts are "hate speech" without me correcting you and letting you know you're fucking retarded.

DavidColeIntrepid -1 points ago +1 / -2

Her name is rosenbaum like the pedophile Kyle shit and her goal is not her fellow man's well being either. Just 2 sides of the same coin. There is no such thing as "capitalism". Money is not a religion, marxism is

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nazi ain't Jewish

Yes it is

shortened form of the Name Ignatius

No it isn't

Did you know fanta was invented because Germany banned ingredients in cokacola? Following your logic, everything Hitler did was to sell soda. Fucking moron

DavidColeIntrepid 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's anti-semitic

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nevertheless, the economic crisis of 1929-1933

The great depression was more than 4 years, princess

funded by New York

So fucking what? There was no goddamned "nazi" (which is a jewish slang word) in 1922, you dunce.

And IBM leased them punch card machines for organization. I guess that means Hitler was a silicon valley computer nerd like Steve Wozniak even though silicon valley and fucking personal computers didn't exist for another decade or two.

Go eat some crayons, you mouth breathing mongoloid

DavidColeIntrepid -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hey, you know "weimar" was the jewish Germany right? You know they kicked the bankers and pedophile Jews out right?

You think the Greta depression only lasted 4 years?

When did Hitler become chancellor and when did they overhaul the financial system? Under jewish Germany?

You're only proving my point, bud.

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