TODAY is 100 days sober for me. Alcohol slowly took over and was destroying my life. A while back I got this DM (pic) from one of our autist frens here who's in the same battle. Is "The Awakening" in the room with you right now? Join us! WE ARE THE AWAKENING. Every change matters. Let's GOOOOO!
🐸 Frog Escape MAGA THREAD 💚

Sorry just getting back! I have lost so many friends too fentanyl. Its so much stronger than heroin. Im thankful everyday I got out b4 that came on the scene. For i would be dead! Lauren is lost in the cycle. Ill def say prayers for her and you parents. I know all too well the hell that you as a parent or going through because I put my parents through it. I know it's actually my mom that had me arrested my last time. It was the look on her face disappointment the tears that made me say never again will I hurt my mother like that never again. I'm sorry you're going through this. Don't ever stop loving her. Don't be an enabler either the best thing my mom ever did she didn't enable me she didn't give me money she didn't give me a place to stay she made me hit rock bottom so I would understand and rebuild myself. I don't know if there's a way to message on here I would love to give you my number if there is a way
Emailing you now! [[email protected]]