If Trump was a LARP that doesn't mean the FBI/Corney are LARPs too. It simply means Q is designed to placate Q followers and Trump is playing along and part of the corrupt establishment. Your explanation of relationships of LARPs, without any good reason is not a reason Q is not a LARP.
I don't believe Q is a LARP, but for other reasons. I will acknowledge Q could still be a LARP, though.
Crensch and Srayzie conspired to permanently ban me from the Great Awakening. Luckily, the Q sub was launched shortly thereafter where I could drop bombs anonymously and not be harassed.
I was asked to be a mod by Srayzie on GA where I accepted and that lasted less than 24 hours.
She wouldnt let me delete a post where a person was bragging about his daughter being raped by black guys at a school she attended. Apparently she was butthurt that I unmodded myself instead of her being able to do it herself. I did not want to be a part of supporting pedos using the guise of free speech to say stuff like that.
I was the one who busted Neon Revolt for being a compromised Reddit mod Ronaldswansong Q warned about in an early crumb. He even accidently doxxed himself and know his real name, but never doxxed him although it was tempting.
If Trump was a LARP that doesn't mean the FBI/Corney are LARPs too. It simply means Q is designed to placate Q followers and Trump is playing along and part of the corrupt establishment. Your explanation of relationships of LARPs, without any good reason is not a reason Q is not a LARP.
I don't believe Q is a LARP, but for other reasons. I will acknowledge Q could still be a LARP, though.
You have the same screen name as that douchebag shill from Voat. Is this you?
Lol. I was reading some of your comments on the boat post and laughing. “Yup, that’s the Oh_well_ian I know!”
Lol nice work 👍🇺🇸💪
I sure dont miss that Crench from PG that bullied people, even stickying that post where he bullied someone for months with it.
I somewhat remember you and Blacksmith21.
Crensch and Srayzie conspired to permanently ban me from the Great Awakening. Luckily, the Q sub was launched shortly thereafter where I could drop bombs anonymously and not be harassed.
I was asked to be a mod by Srayzie on GA where I accepted and that lasted less than 24 hours.
She wouldnt let me delete a post where a person was bragging about his daughter being raped by black guys at a school she attended. Apparently she was butthurt that I unmodded myself instead of her being able to do it herself. I did not want to be a part of supporting pedos using the guise of free speech to say stuff like that.
I was the one who busted Neon Revolt for being a compromised Reddit mod Ronaldswansong Q warned about in an early crumb. He even accidently doxxed himself and know his real name, but never doxxed him although it was tempting.